Neal D. Williams
A CUR 524 assignment submitted to the faculty of the
Fischler Center for the Advancement of Education of Nova Southeastern University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of master of science
January 6, 1999
The purpose of this review of literature is to search the scholarly literature for information on the subject of teaching ESL [English for speakers of other languages] in large classes, especially in a foreign context. This subject is of immense practical value for the present writer because it is his intention to begin teaching at a Korean university in September 1999. It is a fact that many university classes in Korea have thirty students or more, and, indeed, one of the first questions that interviewers usually ask prospective teachers is how they would teach such a large class. In addition to the difficulty of teaching the large class, there is also the problem of the varying levels of English proficiency that are present in many classes. It is well known that there are four basic skills that must be taught in language learning: speaking, listening, writing, and reading. Of these skills, one stands out as particularly troublesome for the teacher of large classes. Of course that is the skill of speaking the target language. "Speaking" includes both pronunciation and conversational ability. Competent teaching of these skills by one English-speaking teacher in a large class with varying levels of proficiency requires a great deal of creativity and resourcefulness. The goal of this review is to find articles and research reportsboth primary and secondarywhich will offer practical guidelines in helping the teacher who is faced with this problem. Makarova, Veronika. (1996). Teaching English pronunciation to large groups of students: some suggestions. Research report. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No.
Bibliography: Bassano, Sharron Kay and Christison, Mary Ann. 1987. Developing successful conversation groups. In Michael H. Long and Jack C. Richards (Eds). Methdology in TESOL: a book of readings (pp. 201-7). Boston: Newbury House Publishers. Celce-Murcia, Marianne and Goodwin, Janet M. (1991). Teaching pronunciation. In Marianne Celce-Murcia (Ed.) Teaching English as a second or foreign language (pp. 136-53). 2nd ed. Boston: Heinle & Heinle Publishers. Cohen, Andrew D. (1991). Second language testing. In Marianne Celce-Murcia, (Ed.). Teaching English as a second or foreign language (pp.486-506). Boston: Heinle & Heinle Publishers. Deignan, A.; Gabrys, D.; & Solska, A. (1997, October). Teaching English metaphors using cross-linguistic awareness-raising activities. ELT journal 51 (4), 352-60. Elliott, A. Raymond. (1997, March). On the teaching and acquisition of pronunciation within a communicative approach. Hispania 80 (1), pp. 95-108. Ellis, Greg. (1996, July). How culturally appropriate is the communicative approach? ELT journal 50 (3), 213-18. Ferris, Dana & Tagg, Tracy. (1996, Summer). Academic listening/speaking tasks for ESL students: problems, suggestions, and implications. TESOL quarterly 30,2, 297-320. Flowerdew, Lynne. (1998, October). A cultural perspective on group work. ELT journal 52 (4), 323-29. Hayes, David. (1997, April). Helping teachers to cope with large classes. ELT journal 51 (2), 106-16. Humak, Barbara A. & Spinthourakis, Julia A. (1991). Cultural considerations in teaching ESL. In Lucy Madsen Guglielmino (Ed). Adult ESL instruction: a sourcebook (pp. 25-32). Glenview, Illinois: Scott, Foresman & Co. Hyde, Martin. (1994, October). The teaching of English in Morocco: the place of culture. ELT journal 48 (4), 295-305. Jakobsdottir, Solveig & Hooper, Simon. (1995). Computer-assisted foreign language learning: effects of text, context, and gender on listening comprehension and motivation. Educational technology, research, and development 43, 43-59. Jo, Miheon. (1996). Computer use in Korean schools: instruction and administration. Computers & education 26, 197-205. Liu, Dilin. (1998, January). Ethnocentrism in TESOL: teacher education and the neglected needs of international TESOL students. ELT journal 52 (1), 3-10. Madden, Matt and Moore, Zena. (1997 Fall). ESL students ' opinions about instruction in pronunciation. Texas papers in foreign language education 3, (1), 15-32. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 416716). Makarova, Veronika. (1996). Teaching English pronunciation to large groups of students: some suggestions. Research report. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 416678). Pack, Alice C. and Dillon, Deborah. 1983. Peer-tutoring activities for the ESL classroom. In John F. Haskell (Ed.). Selected articles from the TESOL newsletter 1966-1983 (pp. 233-35). Alexandria, VA: TESOL. Schmelig, Faye Van Arsdall. 1991. Teaching the multilevel class. In Lucy Madsen Guglielmino (Ed). Adult ESL instruction: a sourcebook (pp. 46-53). Glenview, Illinois: Scott, Foresman & Co. Seaton, Ian. (1997, October). Comment: linguistic non-imperialism. ELT journal 51 (4), 381-82. Senior, Rosemary. (1997, January). Transforming language classes into bonded groups. ELT journal 51 (1), 3-11. Song, Minjong. (1997). The effect of dialogue journal writing on writing quality, reading comprehension, and writing apprehension of EFL college students. Research report. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 410766). Spinthourakis, Julia A. (1991). Cultural considerations in teaching ESL. In Lucy Madsen Guglielmino (Ed). Adult ESL instruction: a sourcebook (pp. 7-11). Glenview, Illinois: Scott, Foresman & Co. Tribble, Joan F. (1985). Constructing diagnostic tests for placement and teaching. In John F. Haskell, (Ed.) Selected articles from the TESOL newsletter (pp. 100-101). Washington: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages.