
Teaching Vocabulary

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11882 Words
Teaching Vocabulary

Introduction p. 3-4

Part 1. General Principles in Teaching Vocabulary p. 5

1.1. What need to be taught p. 5

1.2. Criteria for selecting and vocabulary exercises p.

1.3. Receptive and productive p.

1.4. Grouping of items of vocabulary p.

1.5. The amount of items to teach p.

Part 2. Presenting vocabulary p.

2.1. Traditional techniques for presenting vocabulary p.

2.1.1. Visual techniques p.

2.1.2. Verbal techniques p.

2.1.3. Translation p.

2.2. Student-centered learning p.

Part 3. Practicing vocabulary p.

3.1. Using visual aids p.

3.2. Lexical exercises p.

3.3. Speaking exercises p.

3.4. Games p.

Part 4. Testing vocabulary p.

4.1. Exercises for testing p.

4.2. Assessment p.

Conclusions p.

Bibliography p.

The research essay deals with the problem of teaching vocabulary on the topic environment. Teaching English vocabulary is an important area worthy of effort and investigation. Recently methodologists and linguists emphasize and recommend teaching vocabulary because of its importance in language teaching.
There are many studies that reinforce the key role of vocabulary size on reading and writing skills, especially on native speakers. Laufer in an analysis of the vocabulary of Israeli students, established that a good vocabulary size was important for reading comprehension and for fluency in speech. Goulden claimed that "measures of vocabulary size -particularly the size of academic vocabulary- are important indicators of the ability of second language learners to achieve academic success". Anderson and Freebody found out that there was a high correlation between a good performance in a vocabulary test and reading comprehension.
Different research studies have also concentrated on tracking the development of vocabulary knowledge of language learners from different perspectives. Within this trend, we can

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