The purpose of this paper is to develop a usable plan to build teams and alleviate conflict that has arisen between to employees of Riordan Manufacturing. A number of possible solution types are presented and the most appropriate ones, for each set of circumstances, are chosen. The purpose of this exercise is to allow the study of particular situations in the classroom setting rather than attempting to learn from them is a business setting.
Team Strategy Plan
1. Complete the following table to address the creation of teams at Riordan Manufacturing.
Problem Solving Team
Highly specific to one area or process. Uses team members that work in the same area to address a specific issue
Usually built for a specific single task and limited to single location.
Self-managed team
Team selects appropriate members. Group is functional in a particular area. Reduces need for supervisory positions.
Prone to conflicts within team. Power struggles. Conflicts reduce overall function.
Cross-functional team
Brings a broad number of members in from different work areas. Covers a large number of viewpoints. Allows sharing of information across work areas.
Takes time to build trust between work areas. Initial success usually takes longer.
Virtual team
Can bring in subject matter experts in from any location. No travel expense. Members are not pulled away from their usual tasks for long periods.
No social aspect. No face to face activity. Members may not be familiar with one another. Team can become invisible within an organization.
2. Identify the team formation strategy that is most suitable for Riordan Manufacturing, and provide the rationale for the decision. Your response should be at least 100 words.
Given the nature of Riordan Manufacturing’s current attempt to begin manufacturing a