Team Strategy Plan
1. Complete the following table to address the creation of teams at Riordan Manufacturing.
|Strategy |Strengths |Weaknesses |
| |Team players confident decision-makers; |Avoid individuals that do not like to help,|
|Separate employees to complete different |experience in plastic ware; and employees |confrontational, and not cooperative. |
|tasks (Work Specialization). |who know the vision of Riordan. | |
|Identify separate tasks by function. |Employees who are used to change, not |Avoid employees who want to stay in the |
|(Departmentalization). |fearful of being reassigned to another |same department, and who cannot focus on |
| |department, and who are multi-taskers. |more than one task at a time. |
|Designate authority. |Designate confident employees, dependable |Avoid employees with no decision-making |
|(Chain of Command). |managers who can encourage and boost |skills, and who just want recognition of |
| |morale. |power and abuse authority. |
|Create employee groups to be separately |Employees who work well together, who are |Avoid employees that cause division. |
|managed (Span of Control). |cooperative, and can be part of good |discord, and who separates themselves from |
| |decisions. |others. |
|Identify jobs and make clear duties |Employees who understand career goals, who