A new method for group decision support based on ELECTRE
III methodology
Juan Carlos Leyva-L�oopez, Eduardo Fern�aandez-Gonz�aalez *
Facultad de Ingenier�ııa, Universidad Aut�oonoma de Sinaloa, Ciudad Universitaria, Calzada de Las Americas S/N, Culiac�aan, Sinaloa,
Mexico, CP 80040, Mexico
Received 9 November 1999; accepted 9 January 2002
Group decision is usually understood as the reduction of different individual preferences on a given set to a single
collective preference. At present, there are few approaches which solve the group ranking problem with multiple criteria
in a widely acceptable way. Often, they rest on a poor heuristic which makes a decision about consensus ranking
difficult to support. This paper presents an extension of the ELECTRE III multicriteria outranking methodology to
assist a group of decision makers with different value systems to achieve a consensus on a set of possible alternatives.
Our proposal starts with N individual rankings and N corresponding valued preference functions, and uses the natural
heuristic provided by ELECTRE methodology for obtaining a fuzzy binary relation representing the collective pre-
ference. A comparison of this method with PROMETHEE II for group decision is carried out. We found that, in this
particular application, the proposed heuristic based on majority rules combined with concessions to significant mi-
norities, performs relatively better than a compensatory scheme based on a net flow weighted sum function.
� 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Multicriteria analysis; Group decision; Outranking methods; ELECTRE III; Genetic algorithms
1. Introduction
People make a group decision (intra-organiza-
tional or inter-organizational) when they face a
common problem and they are all interested in its
solution. This problem may be the purchase of a
car, the acquisition of a house by a family, the de-
sign of a new