Piano has evolved more than any other musical instrument and rapid increase in the same has given rise to many problems including the performance of the music written ages back. Earlier the pianos were light weight as well as thin in sizes. In between the period of 1790 to 1870 which is also considered as classical era, piano were radically changed and that led to the invention of the modern piano. Some of the notified changes that has been done in modern Piano are as follows
1. There is a increase in the range of the pitch in modern piano then in comparison to pianos used in 18th century.
2. Hammers and action become much heavier because of this reason touch of the modern piano is much heavier.
3. Weight of the modern piano is increased heavily, it’s almost 6 times much heavier than the piano used in the 18th century.
4. Repetition action is introduced in the modern piano.
5. Cross-stringing is another major change in the modern piano.
These big changes in the piano have quite worrisome consequences in the area of musical performances.
1. The sustain time is increased in the modern piano thus notes played in addition lines will stay loud longer and thus able to cover up subsequent melodic notes more than that any other instrument can which actually helped the composer.
2. Collection issues are resolved in modern piano and thus become the characteristic of the same, which is the biggest problem in the classical piano.
3. Piano of classical era are considered to be more flexible than the piano of the modern era. The soft pedal of the modern piano can reduce only 2 to 3 strings struck whereas the classical piano give the choice to the player to select one, two or three. Soft pedal of the piano is also referred as Una- corda. Una- corda is a Italian word which means single string.
To evaluate the performance or teaching the student, the piano teacher should user his/her experiences and understanding because the good understanding of the