“Superhero in the Cubicle”
Communication technology is a much needed commodity, especially with many organizations, and businesses going global. Many businesses are reaching out to vendors, suppliers, and even consumers all over the world. In addition to the need for global collaboration there is also a need to store this information in order to be better prepared in the event they are audited. This week’s electronic reading “Superhero in the Cubicle” touched on the technological advancements companies are taking advantage of in order to improve business relationships, cut costs and improve efficiencies. Although the companies discussed in the article were different they shared a common
need, and that was for collaborative technology that allowed networking and communication between multiple locations along with a need for organized data storage. Two of the communication types mentioned in the article were the smart sheet utilized by a manager for a specialized bicycle business, and Web 2.0 mash up server which is utilized by a U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration who managed local coastal resources. Both software systems provided the appropriate collaboration needed globally. The smart sheet created appropriate language translations, reduced e-mails, and real time communication with a group of individuals. Another great feature was the cost; it was very inexpensive at $25.00 p/month. The other software provided some similar functions. It retrieved information from various locations and centralized the information. It also made standardized translations of the information received, and it allowed collaborative communication with the masses. The difference between the two would definitely be the cost involved and the mash up system had more features regarding storage and input of multiple types of formats. These technological advancements go outside of the traditional methods of business communication that generally surfaces around oral, and written communication. There was a time when e-mail and instant messaging was looked at as great technological advancement. The systems covered in the article are more web based and they allow multiple individuals to communicate simultaneously. This is a much needed option considering the global market business face today.