Unit 20 - Communication and Technology used in the uniformed public services
P1 - Describe four different examples of formal written communication used in the public services
The Uniformed public services use many different ways to communicate in formal text, some of these include;
▪ Email – Electronic mail, commonly called email is a method of exchanging digital messages from an author to one or more recipients. It is Informal in style but Easy to do and can be a quick way of communicating. The email may need to be filed if it is the principle record of an instruction or decision. The structure of an email needs to be concise and clear for the reader to understand and avoid being too brief or informal. use of abbreviations when sent to people outside public services is common.
▪ Memo - memo is a document or other communication that helps the memory by recording events or observations on a topic. Memos Can be written in first or third person to maintain formality. third person is used to Emphasise main points between sender and recipients. Memos should be single-spaced with an extra space between paragraphs. Memos should also describe key information concisely by stating what is required in a few sentences and action required by recipient. Sub headings should be used when a longer memo is required.
Each of Public Services has their own standard format but generally have the same information on them.
▪ Name of recipient/s
▪ Name of sender
▪ Date
▪ Subject of memo
▪ Body of text/ instruction
Action expected of recipient/s
▪ Letters - The majority of letters sent in Public services will be formal. The language of formal letters is straight to the point and is often numbered. Semi formal letters may be sent when communicating person to person for example thanking someone for hospitality shown. Writing a letter is vital especially if a record has to be kept to account for expenditure or to record financial or other important decisions. Another reason to write a letter is for Information or a decision has to be conveyed to a wide audience or the message is too detailed or complex to deliver verbally or may need to be studied carefully.
With every letter come important aspects which need to be correct, these can include; Spelling and punctuation. Facts should be accurate and any opinions stated should be clearly identified as such. Deductions should be justified and backed up with facts.
Annual Report - An annual report is a comprehensive report on a company's activities throughout the preceding year. Annual reports are intended to give shareholders and other interested people information about the company's activities and financial performance. Legal requirement to publish how public service is performing against performance criteria set at local and national level. Audience is the general public so the document needs to be accessible to all sections of society and needs to be available in different languages. Annual reports need to be jargon free.
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