One tactic that was used was trench warfare. The soldiers would stand in the ground with high walls for protection. This provided shelter from gunfire. These walls were tall enough so everyone could stand behind them. One of the downsides to trench warfare was “trench foot.” This would occur when the soldiers stood in inches of water for days on end. It was a nasty infection that would get them sent to the infirmary and take them out of battle for an extended period of time. Not only did the infection affect how much time they got to fight it was also very painful. The second technological advance was the land ship otherwise known as the tank. It was a new invention that no one had seen or witnessed in action. It was designed to rip through barbed wire and cross …show more content…
Although there were advances during the war there were also consequences that occurred because of new weapons. One of the biggest downfalls was shellshock or better known as PTSD. This mental illness still occurs in the Armed Forces. It is a psychological disorders that can include flashbacks to times of fighting and depression. During World War One not many people were equipped to handle the illness. Often times the soldiers were sent back into battle right away and not given the proper time to recover and regain strength. This made recovering and dealing with PTSD even harder. The Allies came out on top after World War One. They used trench warfare, tanks, and other advances to help them win. Technology is the most useful tool in war. The better, more efficient machines and guns you have the better off you will