Timi Solesi
Lilian Lam
March 4, 2014
FYS: Transformational Technology
Impact of Television
Television is defined as a system that transmits visual and audio information for entertainment, education, or informative purposes. The goal of the television is still the same as today and most likely will not change in the near future. Although television was made with good intentions, it is obvious that with every good, comes the bad. Which evidently happened in the case of the television, the negative impacts on society could be said to be greater than the positive impacts. This paper will show how the invention has impacted our lives today vastly. We also predict how the television will change in the future as technology continues to evolve.
History Television has evolved in a number of ways. Before television, individuals used radio for entertainment, however today for the best television viewing experience members of society own a 3D flat screen plasma TV set. Television was not as picture perfect in the beginning - in the 1920’s, John Logic Bird and Charles Francis invented the first mechanical television. A mechanical television uses two huge rotating disks to display scanned images or video signals (Stephens). The first disk inside the TV breaks into pieces, which then converts the light in the device to a cell that is then converted into electricity. The electricity is then sent to a receiver, which causes a bulb to flicker to create each image. John Logic Bird then worked with the British Broadcasting Company (BBC) to begin broadcasting the mechanical television and sold the first television in 1928 (“Television is developed”). However, the mechanical TV needed a disk to display images; on September 7th, 1927 Philo Taylor Farnsworth invented a type of television that used electrons to show images. The Radio Corporation of America (RCA) invested $50 million for the development for the electronic television.
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