Edith Alvarez
Southwest Texas Junior College
May 1, 2013
Technology and progress
Can you imagine your lifestyle without any kind of technology around you? Our curious nature has led us to discover beyond our reality. I believe that technology advances have been positive because they have caused a huge evolution in the way that humans live by bringing growth and benefits to mankind. The improvement of technology has led us to an easier and very comfortable life.
Technology has given mankind an easier means to transport services, communicate internationally, and to obtain information. Man always wanted to keep growing and developing his abilities, so he has created a variety of transporting services leaving behind the ones pulled by animals. Computers transformed transportation in the 20th century. In cars, technology controls the transmission, temperature, and it even helps people find an unknown place with a GPS. In air traffic control, technology has improved the presentation of flight data by helping the staff handle more flights at the same time (“How technology is improving air traffic control,” n.d.). With the satellite system all the trucks, ships, trains, and every package is monitored making these services safer than they were in past. A few decades ago, people could only communicate through a home telephone. Now, technology has created a variety of communication system. Internet has introduced email, chat, video conferences, and social networks. These systems allow for instant international communication. All these things are possible due to innovating gadgets like computers, smart phones, I pods, tablets and e-readers. Unfortunately, according to a report on Tab Times made created by Dunlap (2011) showed that repairing a tablet could cost owners an estimated of 50% to 100% of the purchase price. Repairing technology is surrounded by many myths. People often prefer to buy a new cell phone rather than take it
References: Dunlap, Tom. (2011, November 28). Report: Tablets repairs cost 50% to 100% of purchase price. Tab Times.com. Retrieved April 24, 2013,from http://tabtimes.com/news/ittech-tablets/2011/11/28/report-tablet-repairs-cost-50-100-purchase-price. Lee, Ellen. (2013, January 24). 5 ways Technology is Transforming Health Care. Forbes.com. Retrieved April 24, 2013, from http://www.forbes.com/sites/bmoharrisbank/2013/01/24/5-ways-technology-is-transforming-health-care/ Lohr, Steve. (2011, October 23). More Jobs Predicted for Machines, not People. New York Times.com. Retrieved April 24, 2013, from http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/24/technology/economists-see-more-jobs-for-machines-not-people.html Tobin, Lucy. (2011, February 14) How to Beat Technology Addiction. The guardian.com. Retrieved April 24, 2013, from http://www.guardian.co.uk/education/2011/feb/14/information-overload-research U.S. Department of Education. (n.d.). Use of Technology in Teaching and Learning. Ed.gov. Retrieved April 24, 2013, from http://www.ed.gov/oii-news/use-technology-teaching-and-learning Walton, Alice. (2012, October 2). Internet Addiction: The New Mental Health Disorder? Forbes.com. Retrieved May 1, 2013, from http://www.forbes.com/sites/alicegwalton/2012/10/02/the-new-mental-health-disorder-internet-addiction/