We are living in a society where technology is everything. We are becoming dependent on technology, to look something up, to communicate with others, do assignments or jobs and when we don’t have those things, we are in a panic mode where we don’t know how to function without technology anymore. Technology is causing problems such as technostress, technophobia, internet isolation and addiction, which then leads into family and other relationship issues.
What is technostress and technophobia?
Technostress is when there is a feeling of anxiety or mental pressure, from overexposure or involvement with technology. Technostress is caused by all of the different types of technology we use (computer, cell phone, tablet, etc.). The 21st century is more stressful with all the different sources of media we have that are all vying for our attention to give us news whether it is good or bad.
Technophobia is an abnormal fear or anxiety about the advancements in technology. Technophobia can be broken down into three separate categories: the uncomfortable users cognitive computerphobes anxious computerphobes.
Internet Isolation and Addiction
There are people with anxieties towards technology and there are people who happen to enjoy it. They are called technophiles. Technophiles are people who have a love or an enthusiasm for technology. There are people who love technology so much they develop addictions, such as the internet addiction which can also develop into internet isolation.
Internet addiction is described as an impulse control disorder which is similar to pathological gambling; some online users may develop an emotional attachment to the friends they “meet” and the activities created. It can be developed when you constantly use it as a way to distract yourself from the problems going on in reality. The results of internet addiction leads to personal, family, academic, financial and occupational problems that develop