Every society creates an idealised image of the future - a vision that serves as a beacon to direct the imagination and energy of its people. The Ancient Jewish nation prayed for deliverance to a promised land of milk and honey. Later,
Christian clerics held out the promise of eternal salvation in the heavenly kingdom. In the modern age, the idea of a future technological utopia has served as the guiding light of industrial society. For more than a century utopian dreamers and men and women of science and letters have looked for a future world where machines would replace human labour, creating a near workerless society of abundance and leisure. (J Rifkin 1995 p.42)
This paper will consider developments in technology, robotics, electronic miniaturisation, digitisation and information technology with its social implications for human values and the future of work. It will argue that we have entered post modernity or post Fordism, a new age technological revolution, which profoundly effects social structure and values. Some issues that will be addressed are: elimination of work in the traditional sense, longevity, early retirement, the elimination of cash, the restructuring of education, industry and a movement to global politics, economics and world government.
In particular this paper will suggest that the Christian Judao work ethic with society 's goals of full employment in the traditional sense is no longer appropriate, necessary or even possible in the near future, and that the definition of work needs to be far more liberal. It argues that as a post market era approaches, that both government and society will need to recognise the effects of new technology on social structure and re-distribute resources, there will need to be rapid development of policies to assist appropriate social adjustments if extreme social unrest, inequity, trauma and possible civil disruption is to be avoided.
Yonedji Masuda (1983) suggests we
References: Brady, T. and Liff, S. 1983 Monitoring New Technology and Employment Manpower Services Commission Sheffield England. Jones, B. 1995 Sleepers Awake Oxford University Press Melbourne Australia. Masuda, Y. 1983 The Information Society as Post - Industrial Society World Future Society Bethesda Maryland. Rifkin, J. 1995 The End of Work G P Putnam and Sons New York. Jenkin, P. 1985 Automation is Good for Us Editor: Forester, T. The Information Technology Revolution Basil Blackwell Ltd Oxford UK. Kozol, J. 1985 Illiterate America Anchor Press/Doubleday New York. McLelland, D. 1977 Marx 's Grundrisse der Kritik der Politischen Okonnomie Harpers Press New York. Mitchell, O. 1993 As the Workforce Ages ILR Press New York. Negroponte, N. 1996 Digital Nostradamus - A Bits Future Lateline ABC Television 3 March 1996 Australia. Rosenbrock, H. et al. 1981 New Technology: Society, Employment and Skill Council for Science and Society London. Sargent, M. 1994 The New Sociology for Australians Longman Cheshire Melbourne Australia. Williamson, M. 1996 How Information Technology will change New Zealand Information Technology Information Group Wellington New Zealand.