Words 532, Today in this 21st century, with mankind having made an unbelievable progress in every field , nothing seems impossible. Everyday hundreds of new inventions, discoveries take place, taking technology one step ahead. Surrounded by technology we are now accustomed to get work done with push of a button. Automation has relieved us from banal works like washing clothes, utensils and cleaning homes with robots like roomba. Housewives simply love such inventions. Sitting comfortably in their offices, men also enjoy such pleasure with large scale automation in industries. Not only do these machines relieve us from physical work but, they also take us places in very short times. There is not even a single imaginable facet of life where technology or science hasn't been incorporated in. But being so much dependent on technology surely comes with a price. When we look at "Why do we develop technology in the first place?" for comforts? to entertain ourselves? May be, but to some extent. Looking into past we can see that this was majorly driven by wars and very less by aforementioned factors. From daily use Teflon (non-stick utensils) to "safe" Nuclear energy all have been the outputs (side products) of war funded researches and race between nations to achieve dominance. Wars create technology and technology fuels wars, a never - ending cycle. Was it supposed to be like certain technology was developed to frighten the opponent, to end the war? But what happened was exactly opposite. Instead of solving the problems it generated "cold-wars". Most of us are well aware of imminent threat of global warming. Why would earth suddenly start heating up? With oil guzzling machines, from chemical factories to our daily use vehicles, we consume humongous amounts of fossil fuels creating pollutions. Due to technological inventions and financial constraints,