Technology is an amazing thing, as time goes on everything will soon get easier with automation and technological advances. Prisons and Jails especially are very secure and need very large amounts of attendance. A Prison management team has a lot to deal with on a regular basis due to cell checks, looking over the wardens, following to make sure inmates have a safe stay and are doing what they should be done as well as many other things. Over the years this has always been something is changing and will continue to change due to the numerous technological advances with electronics. Starting with the first Generation Jails where inmates were kept in …show more content…
This was a very large steeping stone but did not work out due to the low amount of communication as well as interaction with the inmates. To improve this they then started the third generation jail facilities. This is used a lot of places today and is very efficient because it still uses all of the technology and indirect supervision from the control room, they now have correction officers on the floor and day rooms and in jail giving direct supervision to the inmates. The main thing this article talks about that I will be discussing today is how technology betters a jail from the prison management side of things and I completely agree. Although the article was written in 2005 being in almost 2012, there has been vast improvement further along which is only being changed for the …show more content…
The authors are saying that at facilities where camera do work to help solve and watch inmates, sometimes the officers think too much of a good thing have nearly double the cameras of what they need and soon become understaffed due to cameras. I personally do not agree with the authors when they say that, although this does make sense. One or two more operators of the camera room could be a lot more beneficial than half the amount of cameras and 2 more correction officers in the field. Although I do see where a prison might get to accustomed to everything being electrically controlled this can be a major issue which is why the prisons went away from this model of second generation indirect super vision, as cameras cannot catch everything due to angles and ability to “block out” view by forming human walls or placing something in front of the lenses. Overall most of this could be avoided with correction officers in direct supervision as well as key placement of the cameras to high corners which have a clear over view and over lapping view of each other to catch all