Victoria Carpenter
Professor Bahr
COM 101-A
9, April 2014
Technology in Liberal Arts Education
Are the liberal arts becoming less pertinent and less respected in society today due to technology? Technology is taking over every college student’s life for writing research papers, doing the research, and many other non college related activities such as social media. Technology could produce a loss of liberal arts education because of its rapid growth. Technology could also motivate more students to take part in liberal arts because it is so far advanced that one can be dependent upon it to do all the research for papers and everything that is needed for classes like take notes. One is either against technology in the …show more content…
The faculty members’ excitement about teaching in their specialty and exploring other aspects of their discipline tends to sweep students into the scholarly process (Frost & Olsen, 21) .
This seminar for the technology proved that technology does not make liberal arts less pertinent and less respected in society but it does make the faculty and the students
Carpenter !3 excited about moving forward with technology in the classroom. The Sunoikisis program has “helped students develop the disciplined yet vibrant habits of mind that allow them to respond usefully to what is new in our culture” and use the technology to accomplish tough challenges in the professional work force to accept reality (22).
Rebecca Chopp, President of Swarthmore College, gave a lecture entitled “Against the Grain: Liberal Arts in the 21st Century” about how technology is a structural challenge and how it can ruin colleges’ credibility. She believes that:
Higher education is also experiencing great change and challenge through technology. Technology, as expensive as it is to provide and support, is bringing substantive change in how we think about our basic …show more content…
She wants her students to have to student/professor interaction and not teach behind a computer screen because it weakens a student’s hard work ethic. She doesn 't want to expand the learning with technology until she knows where the technology is going to go in the future with the challenges of finding a job in the professional work force.
Carpenter !4
The argument to be made about the two sides of disagreement whether or not technology is an important part of liberal arts or is it a disadvantage to students looking for interaction in the work force. Should the students be taught liberal arts with face-toface interaction or should the students be taught technology education because it is advancing rapidly? Technology in the work force does demand student success but the students shouldn 't become dependent on it to do all of his or her learning. Students need more than just technology in the work force. They need the social interaction that they get from student–professor learning. Liberal arts education is personable and it teaches you how to speak to others in ways that technology does not. Social