Tier one starts with high quality instruction and universal screening for all students in a general education classroom. Struggling learners are provided with interventions to speed up their rate of learning. Progress is closely monitored so that educators can make decisions about the intensity and duration of interventions based on individual student response to instruction. According to the RTI Action Network, “for RTI implementation to work well, the following essential components must be implemented with fidelity and in a rigorous manner: High-quality, scientifically based classroom instruction, Ongoing student assessment, Tiered instruction, and Parent involvement.” (RTI Action Network, …show more content…
Students have motivation to complete the assignment because technology is so widely and commonly used in today’s society. As stated earlier, learning through technology makes learning more virtual versus boring written work. Technology in the classroom requires planning and preparation. The learning must be meaningful when learning with technology. Using it as a tool to read a book to your students is not making the learning meaningful. Teachers must plan and prepare lessons before the learning happens. For example, teachers can use Kahoot on the whiteboard and I-pads to see what background knowledge students have or test what they learned throughout the lesson the teacher taught. It is also important to test out the technology before the lesson. Not being prepared is obvious to the students and then technology is not an effective resource. Technology in the classroom changes the classroom environment because then students are eager to learn versus being bored and annoyed with learning. Technology in the classroom guides your instruction. For example, if you try to do an activity using I-pads and the students are not working on what they are supposed to be the teacher might want to re-think how instruction should be taught next time. It is a teacher’s professional responsibility to educate themselves more on technology in the classroom. Whether