Teen pregnancy is on a continuous rise in the United States because teenagers are having sexual relations at younger ages. This is an epidemic leading to young people losing out on many positive chances to better their lives such as; finishing school, having a stable financial plan, and the ability to be emotionally and mentally healthy. Many teenagers aren’t using rational thinking when they are presented with the opportunity to interact with others sexually, the consequences rarely cross their minds. There are many prevention programs out there and they all have a similar, but unique approach. The overall goal is to figure out a way to decrease the amount of teen parents. During my research and construction of a personal prevention program, I have based my approach on the recruitment of adults, and highlighting their importance in the movement. Parents are a quality source of information for teenagers; if a teen can realize that they are not alone and have people they can go to for information, the program will be very successful. As a teen, I grew up witnessing many of my peers having children at a very young age, and yes, many of them did not have strong relationships with their parents, which is a huge factor. Teenagers want to be able to have someone they can talk to about relationships and tough situations because it is difficult to cope with hardships when you have never dealt with them before, and this is where parents are helpful because they can share their personal experiences that they had been through before.
Parents are able to play the role of many different mentors, some of the most important are parents to their own, trusting adults to another, and advocates for the community. As a parent, adults are best understood when they are sincere and genuine with their own children during sexual discussions; tell the children what you are planning for them and what you wanted for their future. Also, there are plenty of other teens out there who are looking for the support and care that they aren’t getting from their own parents and these are the one who fall through the cracks, they believe that people to care for them so why should they care about themselves. This is where a nonrelated parent can step in and help to guide a young mind in the correct direction of success, and steer clear of life altering consequences.