Being an adolescent is a time for change and loss. The break up of a relationship, receiving a college rejection letter, depression, alcohol consumption, are all things that can contribute to suicide.(“Teens are...” (Para. 2) The center for Disease Control and Prevention’s Youth Risk Behavior did a survey in 2001 and found that 19% of high school students had seriously considered suicide, 15% had made plans, and 9% had attempted suicide. (“Teens are...” ( Para. 10) The leading cause of adolescent deaths are usually motor vehicle accidents, firearm accidents, dives, falls, alcohol, drugs, and excessive speed.(“Teens are...”(Para.7) In 10%-30% of cases of suicide, adolescents do not display obvious signs of anguish. Everyone is blind-sided..(“Teens are...”(Para. 20) In 2002, the third leading cause of death in 10-19 year olds, was suicide. Accounting for 1,921 deaths. But even worse than that, the suicide rate has risen 70% since 1981.(“Teens are...”(Para. 7)
The lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth experience more suicidal behavior than other youth. Many studies show that the LGB youth are more likely to experience discrimination