Teenage life is a chapter of our life where we teens should be meticulous in everything we do. In here, our body grows older, and we can’t imagine the things growing in our skins as we go through this stage in life. Have you imagined it? That as we go through this stage, everything changes…physically, mentally, socially, and most of all, emotionally.
As we go through life, we meet changes. Changes that will make our character stand above all. What you do now will lay the foundation for your state in the future.
For a short period of our adolescence, we must try to make this the exciting, enjoyable, and memorable times in our life.
As a teenager, we are in that enviable stage where everything is positioned to go our way. We are young, full of energy, we feel like we are invincible, totally carefree and becoming free and more independent.
We will also have a thousand and one questions as we enter this new stage of life. This is the time when we actually need the guidance and support of our parents and older people.
We are social creatures and the need for companionship is most pronounced among teenagers. The company we keep will have a great effect in our teenage life
The life goes through many kind of circumstances, the ages decide how we take these in our life there are three main ages childhood, adolescence and old.
Childhood and old has one similarity both needs care and wants attention of loved one,s but dissimilarity is that old has got its experienced certification but childhood is beginning of this course.
All these ages have their importance in life .among all there is one age which comes betwixt of childhood and adolescence i.e teenage.
Its very critical and energetic age , it can break all records of prosperity and destruction as well.
Actually a person in this age can hardly decide whether he is still a child or he is mature, that is why he thoughts his decisions are right and what he does is