Executive Summary
Teenage crimes as we all know are those crimes which are performed by people aging between 13-19 years old. These crimes are performed all over the world but unfortunately these crimes have been on the rise in Pakistan for the last 5 years. Our objective was to find out who are responsible for the increase in teenage crimes. For this purpose we Conducted a survey from our fellow students also we interviewed a Deputy Supretendant of Police to get his views about this particular issue. The results we found showed that teenage crimes are a reason behind many problems of our country and steps should be taken to reduce this as soon as possible otherwise condition of our country will become much worse because a country cannot develop without its youth.
“The Youth of today are the future of tomorrow and a country cannot prosper and develop without the contribution of its youth”:- (Bill Gates)
Teenage Crimes
Teenage Crimes or Juvenile crimes are those crimes which are performed by people whose ages are between 13-19 Years. Expert says that the crimes performed by this age group are the most dangerous because the mind is not mature enough to know the full consequences. This age is the most sensitive as it decides the whole life of a person whether he will become a civilized person or a criminal.
Peer Pressure:
Peer pressure is one of the factors contributing to delinquency among teens .Most of the teenage criminals belong to one group or the other .Teen’s group tend to form a subculture that has a unifying theme of rejection of adult values .Teen’s peer group s usually exert a level of influence on their members to act in ways that may be antisocial .Usually teens get involved in such groups to get accepted in the society .Belonging to teen