Attainment of Unwed African American Teen Mothers: A Meta Analysis. The Journal of Negro Education, 75 (3), 458-477. Retrieved from…
Teen pregnancy is a critical public health issue that affects the health and educational, social and economic future of the mother and child. Teen pregnancy is also a significant factor in numerous other important social issues: welfare dependency, out-of-wedlock births, responsible fatherhood and workforce development are all of particular concern (Measuring, 2012).…
Aim: to investigate how to measure the focal length of a convex lens, by using the lens equation: 1/f=1/u+1/v…
Teen pregnancy has negative effects on teens, and the infant including low birth rate, poor nutrition, and infant mortality.…
This essay aims to use the principles of epidemiology to describe the problem of adolescent pregnancy and demonstrate its significance and impact as a public health problem. In the same wise applying epidemiological principles the determinants of teenage pregnancy are identified and an attempt is made to conceptualise the interplay between the socioeconomic environments and the biological factors in giving rise to the problem and influencing the life course of the condition. This essay will also demonstrate the need to utilise the knowledge of the epidemiology of the condition to inform clinical governance and good clinical practice in the management and prevention of the health and social complications suffered by pregnant adolescents. Knowledge of the epidemiology of adolescent pregnancy will facilitate the formulation of health promotion and health prevention strategies aimed at reducing the global impact of the condition because adolescent pregnancy and child survival constitutes a significant part of wider global public health agenda such as the millennium development goals. Gibbs (1988) reflective model will be adopted in the course of this essay and the conclusion to this essay recommendations for research and improved understanding will be made.…
* 25% of 15-24 year old sexually active people account for half of all new STI’s each year (including HPV)…
Being a teenage parent changes a teenager’s life tremendously and permanently. Many girls who get pregnant, whether they choose to keep the child or not, give up their hopes of being happily and successfully married, of being able to attend a college full time with no children to worry about, and many girls never even finish off their senior year the way they wanted to. Teenage girls getting pregnant and having children is not a new issue, in fact it has been around for years. In fact, according to Teen Help, “teen pregnancy and birth rate was much higher prior to 1980 (and especially in the 1950s and 1960s.)” (Help, 2010) difference between today and the 50’s and 60’s however is that back then the majority of teenage mothers were already married. Also most of the mothers were around 18 or 19, since it was normal to be married and settled down by that age.…
In the US, teen pregnancy rates have been decreasing in the last decade even though current rates remain twice as high as those found in other industrialized nations (Alan Guttmacher Institute, 1994). In spite of decreasing rates, among African American teenagers, the pregnancy rate is particularly high. In 1996, the pregnancy rate was 178.9 per thousand among African-American females aged 15 to 19 years, compared with a pregnancy rate of 82.6 among whites (Alan Guttmacher Institute, 1999). Additionally, on the basis of the findings of the 1995 National Survey of Family Growth, it was determined that African American females (48%) aged 15 to 17 were more likely than their white (34%) counterparts to have had sexual intercourse since menarche. On the basis of information provide by the National Center for Health Statistics (1997), African-American females aged 15 to 19 were more likely than their white peers to have had their first sexual experience (i.e., intercourse) without using effective contraception (24% versus 14%, respectively). Consequently, on the basis of such risky behavior, African American teenagers are at greater risk than their white peers for experiencing a pregnancy.…
Babies, as well as the teenage mothers, face long-time problems may face long-term problems from the pregnancy. These problems may include school failure, poverty, and physical or mental illness. Babies born to teenagers are at greater risk for neglect and abuse than those of a woman. Teenage mothers may feel like they are being demanded to do the job and they may take their frustration out on the child (When 1).…
Teenage pregnancy is a universal problem that accompanies the beginning of sexual activity at increasingly younger ages. Surprisingly, only one in 5 youth do not have intercourse before the age of 20, and in the United States alone, annually, almost one million teenagers between the ages of 15 19 becomes pregnant (Rector, 2007). Sexual activity among adolescents is a major problem confronting the nation and the world. Consequently, this has led to a rising incidence of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), emotional and psychological conflicts, and out-of-wedlock childbearing. As a result, sex education should be taught at an early age as a preventative measure. Teaching abstinence and sex education at an early age is not only very popular; it also makes sense. Social science data shows that teens who abstain from sex do substantially better on a wide range of outcomes (Rector and Johnson, 2005). For example, teens who abstain from sex are less likely to be depressed and to attempt suicide; to experience sexually transmitted diseases; to have children out-of-wedlock; and to live in poverty as well as become welfare dependents as adults. The earlier children become sexually active the more detrimental it is to the health of the mother and child. Teenage pregnancy is a problem that affects nearly every society -developed and developing alike. In essence, it is a common public health problem worldwide. Finally, those who delay sexual activity are more likely to have stable and enduring marriages as adults. Therefore, there are vitally important efforts aimed at reducing out-of-wedlock childbearing among young adult women, improving children 's well-being, and increasing adult happiness over the long term.…
Teenage pregnancy is a social problem that affects the entire community. It is important to examine the causes of this problem, the effects the problem has on our society and the individual, and some of the possible ways of combating this problem. In every city in the United States teenage girls and boys face premature parenthood. If they chose to accept the responsibility of their actions and not opt for either abortion or adoption, they have to grow up quickly in order to face many harsh realities--these can include early marriage, health risks, interrupted education, lack of employment skills, and, usually, inevitable poverty. Teenage parents are very likely to become dependent on either their families for financial help or the welfare system, and to remain dependent for many years. The emotional devastation on these young people can lead to life-long scars.…
Teen Pregnancy, Self-Esteem, and their Relationship in an Urban High School Robert P. Curran State University of New York College at Brockport…
It’s found that literature on teenage pregnancy mostly focuses on the negative consequences of being a teen parent though there are teen parents who said that they enjoy being so and the child has brought more joy to the family.…
Over the past few decades, teenage pregnancy has become a public concern which has generated a great deal of attention in the locality. Increasing awareness of the social and economic consequences of teenage pregnancy has led to a consensus opinion among policy makers and the public that teenage pregnancy and child bearing is a significant social problem. It has been linked to an array of other social issues, such as welfare dependency, child health and well-being, out of wedlock births, fatherhood responsibility, child abuse and neglect, school drop-out and workforce development.…
One of the societal problems that our country encounters is the teenage pregnancy or the early pregnancy. Many Teenagers are involve in premarital sex. This also lead to other societal problem like overpopulation and poverty.…