The City of Bandung is a city and also is a capital city of West Java Province
This city at the past is known as Paris van Java (Dutch) or “Paris from Java Because it is located in the highlands, Bandung is known as an air cool.
City of flowers is another name for this city, and also Bandung is known as the shopping city, with malls and factory outlets are widely spread in the city. And in 2007, the British Council made the city of Bandung as the most creative pilot project in the East Asia. Currently, the city of Bandung is one of the main destinations of tourism and education.
In 1990 the city of Bandung to be one of the safest city in the world by survey of Time magazine.
A little about History of Bandung
Legend told by older people in Bandung say that the name "Bandung" is taken from a vessel consisting of two boats tied alongside called bandung boats used by the Regent of Bandung, RA Wiranatakusumah II, to navigate Citarum in seeking the seat of the new district to replace the old capital Dayeuhkolot.
Geographical Location of Bandung which makes it a great city in the mountains a comfortable, air cool, complete with beautiful scenery because the plateau and the mountains around it. In the mountainous areas around Bandung lay a green carpet of tea plantations which cover almost every foot of the mountain. The beauty of the city, the climate, beauty and hospitality Bandung People, as well as high creativity population, Bandung has its own image and tradition. Because it is not wrong if Clean, Green, Flower arrangement became a slogan in a city once dubbed the Dutch colonial is Mooi Bandung (Bandung Indah)
Before that, Bandung has bought 5 city function, namely as a city government, commerce, industry, culture, tourism. As it grows, Bandung is now developing itself into city services. Currently, there are 140 five-star hotels and many more
Bandung has many types of unique and exciting tour offered, ranging from