This statement is somewhat questionable nowadays. However I suppose television cannot be a qualitative alternative to books. Television should not play a principal role in educational. It would be better if the books and television complement each other in the educational process. A number of reasons will be given in this essay.
Doubtless, children don not like read books and prefer having visual input for their education. One should, however, not forget that books play a significant role in the enlightenment of children because they develop memory and attentiveness. Youngsters can be informed by books about standards of morality. If they read books, they will be able to learn how find solutions for any problems and make decisions in difficult moments of their lives.
It cannot be denied that children enjoy television. One argument in support of television as a learning tool is that it has very good channels such as “Discovery” about wildlife or “Da Vinci” with educational programs. TV documentaries have more opportunities to use new technologies and to show real life.
On the other hand experts emphasize that educational process without televisions, computers and other modern gadgets will be better for children because they prevent from developing of creative thinking and human relations. For instance, Waldorf School was built in 1984 in the center Silicon Valley. The catchwords of this school are “A Renaissance Education”. This very old-fashioned school has wooden desks, blackboard with chalk and bookshelves with encyclopedias.
To make a conclusion one should say that televisions cannot be a good alternative the books as a learning tool. It will be better to use TV as subsidiary instrument in educational process.