On Dec. 12, Cosmopolitan published an article by Laura Beck titled “The 16 Biggest HGTV Scandals of All Time.” The ninth entry is all about the “conservative, anti-gay values” being taught by the pastor of “Fixer Upper” hosts Chip and Joanna Gaines.
Beck cited a BuzzFeed article about how the Gaineses are going to an evangelical church whose pastor, Jimmy Seibert, teaches values opposing homosexuality and same-sex marriage. The magazine noted that the HGTV stars never responded to the backlash against their Christian faith and simply asked their fans not to harass the writers who covered the issue. …show more content…
In the letter, he explained that it is not surprising for Christians to express some of their conservative teachings including the sin of homosexuality and gay marriage.
According to Payne, there is nothing scandalous or even shocking about a Christian church’s stance against same-sex