Stinky came around every so often, no set time or date. He was always dressed in a very dirty zipper jacket, maybe it had been green as an army parka. CHAPTER SIX It seemed evident we were looking for a homeless man. A tall vagrant in a green army parka. I went north, Mickey went south. I figured, four blocks down, turn right, make my way back, block by block, Mickey would do the same on his side. As this was New York City with how many Post Offices, Pine would select one close to where he flopped. Unsuccessful, we returned to the Post Office, then took lunch at a rather pricey eatery. Then we went back to base; I, went East, Mickey, West. I had not gone a block when I saw Pine. He was sitting on a piece of cardboard in an alley, his hand out, with no energy to even say the words; “Beg you.” I would weigh Pine at about one hundred and thirty pounds. One twenty minus the filth. I called Mickey. He arrived with the car. I said, “You get him, I’ll drive.” Mickey put Pine in the back of the car. He stank so badly, I thought I’d throw up. “You’re gonna have to bathe him,” Mickey …show more content…
Dressed, he was pulled to his feet. I got the camera, took a few snaps, then to the computer, emailed Viker, then phoned. “He’s been living on the street and is a junky.” I reveal. “That is disturbing.” Viker replied, then, “I’m opening the mail now….no. That’s not my image.” “What do you want me to do?” I ask. “Toss him,” and the line went dead. Toss Him CHAPTER EIGHT It was one of those moments in life when you know the scales are ready and you’re about to get on them. I had been employed to find someone, I found him.
Case closed.
I can open the door, put Pine and whore out and book a flight. I dialed his parents. “Mr. Pine, I found him, but it’s very bad. He’s been living in the street, he’s on drugs.” “Where is he?” “I have him at the Crown Hotel.” “I’m on my way, please, keep him there.” “I will.” I say. “Mary Good Deed.” Mickey flipped. “He’s dressed, make sure he stays that way and doesn’t hurt himself.” Mickey nodded, went into my room. The whore came out. I paid her, she left. I sat down and felt sad. Just sad. Here’s a guy so beautiful you want to congratulate his parents on good genes. A guy who goes into acting, has one “big” role, then