(Short Report / Long Report)
Student Name Group Members
School of Engineering Taylor’s University Malaysia 26 April 2010
Date of Experiment: Report due date: Report submission date: Checked by: Item/marks Format/10 Abstract and Introduction/10 Figures and Diagrams/15 Materials and Method/10 Results Discussions/45 References/10 Total
Table of Contents
ABSTRACT 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2.0 EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN 2.1 Materials 2.1 Methods 2.2 Procedure 3.0 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Suitable sub-title related to the experiment 3.2 Suitable sub-title related to the experiment 4.0 ERROR ANALYSIS 5.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS REFERENCES APPENDIX 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6
This manual is intended to provide the general instructions for preparing a laboratory report. It can be used as a template for writing the report with Word 6.0 or later version. For other document-editors, use the guidelines provided in this manual. The major aim of the abstract is to provide a concise summary of the entire report and present upfront the major conclusions derived from the experimental investigations. It is advisable to create the abstract after writing the final draft of the report.
The major goal of a laboratory report is to record a factual and accurate account of an experimental investigation. This document serves as a template for creating such a report using Microsoft Word 6.0 or later. It is important for the laboratory report to be (i) Concise (ii) Objective (iii) Technical and (iv) Accurate. Preparation of a laboratory report involves a continuous iterative process of collecting data and performing analysis on the measurements. The process may be further divided into four phases: (a) Pre-Lab – Where students prepare for the lab by collecting some basic information needed for In-Lab – When students collect and organize data from the observations made during the lab Post-Lab – The phase in
References: also give credit to the person who did the work and provide the work with authority. [1] Lakshmanan Singaram, “Preparation of Laboratory Reports”, Taylor’s University College, 2007. APPENDIX (Optional) Present any additional information regarding the report in a separate appendix section. This allows the reader to avoid having to understand the complete details before obtaining an overview of the experiment. This section can contain any raw data and tabulations, which support the argument made in the report but are not necessary for the core objectives. Include pictures detailing the experimental setup, tools used, etc. 6 SUBMISSION OF LONG AND SHORT LABORATORY REPORTS During a particular semester, a student must submit 1 long report for the laboratory experiment performed during Weeks 8 and 9, and short reports for all the other laboratory experiments performed during the remaining Weeks for that semester. A student who has missed the experiment in Week 8 can perform in Week 9 and submit the long report. All the students should specify on the cover page just below the title whether it is a short report or a long report. Short report should be between 6-7 pages maximum. Long report should be between 10-12 pages maximum. Deadline for submission is a maximum of 1 week for short report and 2 weeks for long report. The penalty for late submission of each lab report will be -5%.