No other monument in
Ancient Mexico has gotten the attention of both natives and outsiders, and due to it’sconstruction it is usually described as a double temple because it is dedicated to the two deities,
Huitzilopochtli and Tlaloc (Luján). Templo Mayor is located in the central precinct of the Aztec capital, Tenochtitlan, which is now known as Mexico City. According to historical sources,
Templo Mayor construction began in 1325 and after seven phases of construction ended in approximately 1502. The Aztecs relied on cosmos to understand the order of the universe and the process of the heavenly bodies, which included the sun. Therefore, it is believed that they began to built the first temple when a solar eclipse occurred, which is 1325. There are seven phases of construction, but the end of the last phase, the building was 82 meters square and approximately
42 meters in height. A combination of monuments found archeologically in the Templo Mayor emphasize that there was a distantly refined style that became evident after 1450, which