“Ten Myths that Perpetuate Corporal Punishment”
According to his article Stratus discusses the extent to which parents in the United States use corporal punishment (such as spanking and slapping) and its consequences on their children. The question of whether corporal punishment is an effective technique of discipline is fervently deliberated. In his article, Murray Stratus discussed ten myths that perpetuate corporal punishment, in this essay I will be discussing three of them, starting with: Myth 2: Spanking is needed as last resort. Straus stated that this myth consisting on physical and corporal castigation as last resort it is a myth that becomes out of our social and mental duty to beating, Straus stated that spanking as a last resort is not necessary and does not work. Straus gave us some examples on why he think is a myth and that using spanking or physical punishment is not the best option, in fact he think using physical punishment as a last resort is a release of the parents own stress and anger, because the kids does not listen and obey at first. As evidence he wrote “You can prove this to yourself by a simple exercise with two other people. Each of the three should, in turn, think of the …show more content…
The physical discipline of children and the prevalence of violence in the home, it’s because is a cultural issue, we grow up and see our parents doing it to us, also they teach us how to raise our own kids it’s like a cycle that goes on into generation and generations, this is why people continue to use spanking as a form of