入帳號碼 :
The Tenant : 租客 聯絡電話 :
Term of Tenancy :From | to (Both days inclusive) | 租期 由 | 至 (包括首尾兩天) | Rent :HK$ | per month(Inclusive of government rent, rates and management fee) | 租金 每月為港幣 | (包括地租、差餉及管理費) | | | Security Deposit :HK$ | | 保証金 港幣 | |
Acknowledged the receipt of the Security Deposit Acknowledged the receipt of key(s) 業主確認收到租客所交的保証金 of the Premises by the Tenant. 租客確認接收業主所交屬該物業的鎖匙 共 條
HKID/B.R. No. HKID/B.R. No. 香港身份証/商業登記証號碼 香港身份証/商業登記証號碼 Confirmed and Accepted all the terms and Confirmed and Accepted all the terms and conditions contained herein by the Landlord conditions contained herein by the Tenant 業主確認及接受這合約內所有條款的約束 租客確認及接受這合約內所有條款的約束
HKID/B.R. No. HKID/B.R. No. 香港身份証/商業登記証號碼 香港身份証/商業登記証號碼 4 Tenancy Agreement 租賃合約 An Agreement made the BETWEEN in the S.AR. of Hong Kong(hereinafter called“the Landlord”which expression shall where the context so admits include the