My fictional story is aimed at young adults / teenagers who enjoy reading dystopian fiction. The story involves the adventure of a young girl who witnesses an alien attack and is then uncovers the truth behind the invasion. The Tenth Grove men in this story is shortened to TGM.
The wind screamed in vain as rain plummeted down like bullets, spitting violently into the ground. Dark, ominous clouds loomed heavily above as a lightning bolt ripped across the inky sky, announcing the arrival of an unforgiving storm that lay ahead. This was also the arrival of something else., a massacre of white figures loomed hungrily on the cold horizon. The ground grumbled as they approached closer…and closer…
The line moved as one, marching …show more content…
“Val, don’t think for one moment you are the only person who knows how to use holograms” as a sneer formed menacingly on his face. “You know very well that before ‘we’ came, the Groves were a mess. We needed a way to control everybody, a way that would be listened to by everyone. And this,” indicating the white cloth and the Ray Gun, “was my brain child” he retorted smugly, smiling to no-one in particular. “The only way to make it look real was to fake my death by using a hologram. But don’t worry, your parents’ death was completely real.”
With a crash, Aaron clasped his hands together. “Here, let me show you the best part” he said giddy with excitement. He started tapping buttons on the tablet below him until the words TENTH GROVE MEN showed underneath Aaron's face. With one last tap, the letters in the word started to move, to rearrange themselves as if solving an anagram. My insides exploded, turning into a smoothie of organs as panic reverberated inside me. I had already worked out the anagram. As clarification, I looked in horror at the word spelled in place of the TENTH GROVE MEN.
The Tenth Grove Men were the