Forrest Gump is a famous 1994 American comedy-drama film based on the novel written by Winston Groom; directed by Robert Zemeckis. The story depicts the life of a simple Alabama man Forest Gump who travels around the world, meets historical figures and influences and participates in important historical events of the second half of the 20th century.
Through Forrest Gump’s life we are taken from a post WWII era into the Cold War and Vietnam. In between these wars, Forrest runs across many different political and social tensions, from political assassinations to Civil Rights and even the Counter Culture Movement (Mulvey, L. 2000).The viewer begins to realize that this period of American History was chaotic, and the nation was divided over many issues. During the film he takes part in major events of American history of the second half of 20th century, and unconsciously influences on popular culture of the United States. From an ordinary man he turns into a well-known tennis player, war hero, a successful businessman. He becomes a billionaire, but remains as unsophisticated, weak-minded and kind (Mulvey, L. 2000). Forrest reaches success in everything, and he loves the girl, who was his friend in childhood, but reciprocity comes too late.The main character, a native of the southern state (and as it is understood - a patriarchal and conservative) of Alabama, actually travels across America in the 50’s and 80’s, turning out one way or another, becomes a witness of historic events in the life of the nation, almost climbing into the frames of newsreels that depict well-known political figures from the era of John F. Kennedy to Ronald Reagan and popular singers from Elvis Presley to John Lennon.(David Lavery,1997) .
The film Forrest Gump is not historical film, it’s more drama and melodrama, but it shows the “close connection” of Forrest with real historical characters and his participation in historical events. The film
References: Comolli, J. and Narboni, P. (2000) "Cinema/ideology/criticism"[1971], in in Hollows, J., Hutchings, P. and Jancovich, M. (ed.) The Film Studies Reader. London: Arnold Presser. David Lavery,(1997) “No Box of Chocolates: The Adaptation of Forrest Gump,” Literature Film Quarterly 25, no. 1 Hollows, J., Hutchings P. and Jancovich, M. (2000), The Film Studies Reader.London: Arnold Publisher. P 230. McCabe, J. (2004). Feminist Film Studies: Writing the Woman into Cinema. London: Wallflower Press. P24. Mulvey, L. (1989). "Fears, Fantasies and the Male Unconscious or 'You Don 't Know What is Happening, Do You, Mr. Jones? '" [1973], in Visual and Other Pleasures. Basingstoke: Macmillan. P8. Mulvey, L. (2000). "Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema" [1975], in Hollows, J., Hutchings, P. and Jancovich, M. (ed.) The Film Studies Reader. London: Arnold Presser.