Collaborative Leadership CRN #40036/40037
Collaborative Change Project Paper
August, 2012
Collaborative Change Project
The Collaborative Change Project that I will undertake is to outline a thoughtful, clear, and specific plan for the completion of the requirements of NH RSA 193-F:5 Training and Assessment portion of NH RSA 193-F Pupil Safety and Violence Prevention Act which states:
“I. Each school district and chartered public school shall provide: a) Training on policies adopted pursuant to this chapter, within 9 months of the effective date of this section and annually thereafter, for school employees, regular school volunteers, or employees of a company under contract to a school, school district, or chartered public school who have significant contact with pupils for the purpose of preventing, identifying, responding to, and reporting incidents of bullying or cyber bullying; and
(b) Educational programs for pupils and parents in preventing, identifying, responding to, and reporting incidents of bullying or cyber bullying. Any such program for pupils shall be written and presented in age appropriate language.
In the world of education, as in business, there are always mandates – what we commonly refer to as “nonnegotiable”. In the past few years, school districts have been required to react to a few significant pieces of legislation, thus setting up additional challenges for educational leaders that are already spread too thin, attempting to lead their faculty who are at or near their breaking points when it comes to having to do “one more thing.”
This attitude is pervasive in organizations. Wheatley takes us through the biological explanation of the evolution of the attitude when she explains that organizations are living systems. She states that “the accumulating failures at organizational change can be traced to a fundamental but mistaken assumption that organizations are machines….we still search for “tools and techniques”
Bibliography: Goleman, Daniel; Boyatzis, Richard E.; McKee, Annie. (2004). Primal Leadership: Learning to Lead With Emotional Intelligence. Perseus Books Group. Kindle Edition. Wheatley, M. (2007). Finding Our Way: Leadership for an Uncertain Time. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers. Kindle Edition. RSA 193-F:3, Pupil Safety and Violence Prevention Act Notes from Collaborative Leadership CAGS, Graduate Summer Term 2012, Pam Clark, PhD -------------------------------------------- [ 1 ]. RSA 193-F:3, Pupil Safety and Violence Prevention Act [ 2 ]. Notes from Collaborative Leadership CAGS, Graduate Summer Term 2012, Pam Clark, PhD