Beat the Bullies Booklet
It is the aim of the following booklet to support practitioners, children, young people and their families to recognise and respond to bullying at school.
Responding to Evidence or Concerns:
5:2 Outline policies and procedures to follow in response to concerns or evidence of bullying. Explain why these are in place:
As part of the Every Child Matters agenda set out by the previous Government (Education Act 2002 and the children Act 2004), it is the duty of St Matthew’s Primary School to ensure that children and young people are protected from potential harm. In order to do this, we need to involve children, young people and their families/guardians in this process and help to make them recognise and respond to bullying within or outside the school environment. Policies and procedures are in place at St Matthew’s to ensure the continued safety of all of our children and to follow strict guidelines if/when a situation arises which needs to be dealt with thoroughly and swiftly to eradicate further bullying and potential harm.
St Matthew’s ‘Anti-Bullying’, ‘E-Safety/Cyber Bullying’ and ‘Behaviour’ policies identify the definition of bullying and outline both direct and indirect forms of bullying. The three policies should be read and used in conjunction for best outcomes.
Incident Management
The following steps will be taken when dealing with incidents:- * If bullying is suspected or reported, the incident will be dealt with immediately by the member of staff who has been approached. * A clear account of the incident will be recorded and given to the Head teacher (Safeguarding Officer). * The Head teacher will interview all concerned and record the incident. * Class teachers will be informed. * Parents will be kept informed. Sanctions will be used as appropriate and in consultation with all parties concerned.
Pupils who have been bullied will be supported by:- * Offering an