Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Abstract PAGEREF _Toc368496881 \h 3Discussion PAGEREF _Toc368496882 \h 4Background PAGEREF _Toc368496883 \h 4Analysis PAGEREF _Toc368496884 \h 5Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc368496885 \h 7References PAGEREF _Toc368496886 \h 8
AbstractThis paper focuses on five major areas of security issues on the Internet. Security concerns relate useful information to the average web surfer at home. There are tips on safeguarding one’s security and privacy over a network connection, plus some definitions of typical security problems individuals will come into contact with. The second focus of this paper includes the initial internet security measures. It will discuss the early security protocols and how technology has increased the security of the internet numerous times. Invention of internet security is the third topic of this project and focuses the invention and its impact on the Internet. The forth topic deals with the legal measures which have taken place regarding internet security issues. Finally, the fifth topic deals with the consumer privacy concerns, for the most part, people are becoming aware of internet security as online activities continue to skyrocket. As the technology becomes more available and easy to use, people seem to accept security risks in exchange for the convenience.
Internet Security
Since the early 1990’s, the solitary thing most people knew about internet security that there was a colossal computer network that had been inundated by a computer virus. Today it is difficult for anyone, to remember the pre-internet era. ‘Nearly 500 million people around the world use the internet, with several billion touched by it in some manner CITATION Gar03 \l 1033 (Garfinkel, Spafford, & Schwartz, 2003). It is no wonder why technology has increased by leaps and bounds since the early invention of the internet.
BackgroundRegardless of
References: BIBLIOGRAPHY l 1033 Garfinkel, S., Spafford, G., & Schwartz, A. (2003). Practical UNIX and Internet Security. O 'reilly. Healey, J., Rohmeyer, P., Sachs, M., & Schmidt, J. (2012). Cyber Security Policy Guidebook. Wiley.com. Leiner, B., Cerf, V., Clark, D., Kahn, R., Kleinrock, L., Lynch, D., . . . Wolff, S. (2013). Brief History of the Internet. Retrieved from Internet Society: http://www.internetsociety.org/internet/what-internet/history-internet/brief-history-internet#Origins Miyazaki, A., & Fernandez, A. (2001). The Journal of Consumer Affairs. Wiley.com. Shoniregun, C. A. (2002, October 1). The Future of Internet Security. Ubiquity, p. 1.