Introduction Over the years there have been significant changes in how terrorism is carried out. With the changes in how terrorism is carried out there have also been dramatic changes in how countries counter terrorist attacks. The modifications in the way a country counters these terrorist attacks affects international relations of these countries. These issues bring about the question of how have counter terrorism methods affected international relations. To answer this question several things must be addressed which are, methodology, history of terrorism, and a literature review of multiple authors that have discussed this subject.
To evaluate the question, how have counter terrorism methods affected international relations, several variables must be addressed. These variables include; demands made by the terrorist group, the demands made after the attack by the country affected, the country’s enforcement of these demands, and casualties of the attacks. These variables will change the outcome what counter terrorism method will be used and this will in turn affect international relations. For this question three cases will be looked at to show how these variables affect the outcome of this question.
Some words must first be defined to understand the question fully: 1. Terrorism: the use of violence against primarily civilian targets with an intention to cause fear and achieve political goals. 2. Counter: to respond in opposition to another force. 3. International relations: Foreign affairs; relations among countries. ( 2008)
This question will be examined using case studies. Case studies are the best option in this situation because it gives direct examples of how counter terrorism methods have affected international relations. Case Studies give an in depth look into the situations where the statistical approach would not. However, it does not give a broad view
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