We live in a new world; it is a world where there is the ever growing threat of terrorism.
As a result law enforcement has had to change the way it does things in order to respond to
the terrorist threat. How has law enforcement evolved in order to respond to the ever changing
nature of terrorism as well as maintain the same level of protecting and serving the citizens of
The United States. It is important that law enforcement continue to work on strategies and
strengthen capabilities as well as maintain working relationships with the local communities they
are sworn to serve. In order to do this law enforcement need to understand the changing nature
or terrorism and the threats it poses and treat each threat as a crime.
Prior to the tragic events of September 11, 2001, Americans felt as if they were safe from the
violence seen on its televisions nightly, but that soon would change. The events of that day
would change policing as we know it at the local, state and federal level. It helped to create new
tactics and standards for law enforcement to follow in order to prevent future terrorist attacks.
One major tactic that has been implemented through all levels of government is the process of
information sharing. Prior to 9/11 many departments from the lowest local police department all
the way up through the chain of federal agencies to include the Federal Bureau of Investigations
and the Central Intelligence Agency kept vital information to themselves. It became apparent that
law enforcement agencies needed to improve their communication skills to prevent future attacks
from happening within the United States and to our nations interests abroad. Law enforcement at
the federal level "has never fully developed a strong intelligence analysis capacity dealing with
the counterterrorism arena" (Robert, R, Novak, K, Cordner, G & Smith, B,) This lack of [1:
References: 1. Roberg, R., Novak, K. Cordner, G., & Smith, B., 2012, p. 510-11, "Police & Society", February, 11, 2011. 2. Bureau of Justice Statistics, "Law Enforcement Statistics," < bjs/lawenf.htm> (28 February 2005). 3. The Council of State Governments and Eastern Kentucky University, National Study-The Impact of Terrorism on State Law Enforcement, 2004 (Through support from the National 4. Karen DeYoung, "World Bank Lists Failing Nations That Can Breed Global Terrorism," _Washington Post_, September 15, 2006, (accessed December 23, 2008). 5. Louise Richardson, _What Terrorists Want: Understanding the Enemy, Containing the Threat_ (New York: Random House, 2006). 8. Jerry Ratcliffe, _Intelligence-Led Policing_ (Cullompton, Devon: Willan Publishing, 2008). Norton & Company, Inc., 2004),