Terrorist Scenario Al Qaeda's attack plan has been intercepted by undercover CIA agents, and the plan is to release the very contagious smallpox virus sometime in late spring early summer with a serious of low order explosive throughout a U.S. stadium where thousands of people gather. Asal, Ackerman & Rethemeyer claims that "there is sufficient evidence to conclude that a multiplicity of terrorist organizations and individuals representing different background and espousing different ideologies have either considered using CBRN weapons or have attempted to acquire a CBRN weapons capability"(2012, 231). At this time, it appears that the target may be a major league baseball stadium; however, no location has been identified. Baseball games are highly televised and packed with …show more content…
thousands of fans. Terrorists are known for wanting excessive media coverage to show power and be feared around the world. Additionally, the plan calls for automatic guns and explosive to be smuggled into the stadium ahead of time and hidden. Of course, this could easily be accomplished because several dozen workers have access to closed or off limit spaces throughout the stadiums. Suicide bombers and Improvised Explosive Devices (IED's) will also be used with vials of the smallpox virus. It appears that the low explosive will cause the virus to be disburse beyond the blast radius of the explosion. The IED's will be initiated causing powerful explosions sending shrapnel throughout the stadium followed by crowds of people running for their lives. The second phase starts as the crowd of people run in various directions in hope of reaching safety; however, terrorists who posed as workers arm themselves and fire into the crowds recklessly causing mass chaos, death and injury. After they have finished firing their rounds into the crowd of people, the final phase calls for the detonation of the suicide vests.
Prevention Strategies One of the biggest problems that America face today is the radicalization of local citizens who commits violent terrorist attacks against their own state or country.
These people could very well be called upon to assist in this stadium attack! This is known as homegrown terrorism and makes prevention strategies difficult to implement. Newspaper, magazines, television and the internet "can be shared with anyone anywhere, and helps to create broader communities of interest through structured information sharing"(Steele 2010, para.1). With such a vast communication pool being used by terrorist networks, it gives a greater possibility to intercept critical future plans of
attacks. To counter this stadium terrorist attack, there will be some major obstacles that different intelligence agencies will have to overcome. The intelligence communities will have to work conjointly sharing information up and down the chain of command and develop a sense of trust. In the past, especially after 9/11 the FBI and CIA were heavily criticized for the lack of working together. The Department of Homeland Security will have to bring all the required agencies together along with federal, state and local law enforcement and disseminate the needed intelligence through meetings, fusion centers, messages and bulletins. According to Logan "their