92. “Colloquy with colored Ministers (1865)
- Garrison Fazier, Baptist minister
- interview
93. “Petition of Committee on behalf of the Freedman to Andrew Jackson” (1865)
- Freedman of Edisto Island South Carolina
- petition
94. “The Mississippi Black Code” (1865)
- Attempted to regulate the lives of former slaves, gave certain rights but denied same as well.
- Andrew Johnson
- Laws
95. “A Sharecropping Contract” (1866)
- Thomas J. Ross
- Contract
- Slaves (freed) stay on plantation and crop off land but some crops went to plantation owner.
96. “Elizabeth Cady Stanton” “Home Life” (1875)
- Elizabeth Cady Stanton
- Demanded the idea of universal equality/ right to be divorced/ vote
97. Frederick Douglass “The Composite Nation” (1869)
- Asian- Americans couldn’t vote yet either, Douglass spoke for them-> right to vote, all other rights
- Speech
- Frederick Douglass
98. Robert B. Elliott on Civil Rights (1874)
- Speech
- Robert B. Elliot
- In support of the civil rights act of 1875
- “equality before the law” regardless of race, freedom.
99. Chief Joseph “An Indian’s View of Indian Affairs” (1879)
- Chief Joseph, leader of Nez Percé Indians
- Speech
- Condeming the policy of confining Indians to reservations
100. William Graham Summer on Social Darwinism (1880)
- Essay
- William Graham
- Social Darwinism
- “Liberty of contracts to overturn state laws regulating the behavior of corporations.
101. A Second Declaration of Independence (1879)
During Gilded Age- labor movement presented different understanding on freedom. Offered programs. Increased wages and increased leisure time for workers. Ira Steward
102. Henry George, Process and Poverty (1879)
Best seller. Henry George. Presented idea of “single tax” which would replace other taxes with a levy on increases in the value of real estate.
103. Edward Bellamy, Looking Backward (1888)
Even more