Others factors includes unpreparedness , lack of skill in the specific course where the exam has been taken or some sort of health-related reasons . There are several researches done and found that common alibi or shall we at least consider a reason for students who did not performed well in examinations that they got nervous or anxious during the exams . It is however important to stress that whichever of these factors present or maybe all of these in the student are taking the exams anxiety is a normal in humans .
Anxiety is a psychological state of mind characterized by cognitive , emotional , behavioral , and physiological components ADDIN EN .CITE
CampusbluesCampusblues ,Test
2007http /www .campu sblues .com /test .asp (Campusblues , 2007 . A cognitive aspect pertains to the thoughts that run through your mind before , during , and after the dreadful incident . Emotional aspect includes the feeling that you experienced related to anxious events . This can be seen if a person is feel hatred or embarrassed . Another aspect of is behavioral rim of person . This pertains to unnecessary movements of a person when under stressed .
Example of this is , circling of pen in fingers , drumming through the tip of fingers , and walking fast . The fourth aspect is about physiological .
This kind of anxiety includes all the reactions of the body . This is very obvious whenever a student is suffering an anxiety . Probable reactions of the body are beating of heart faster , sweating intensively , drying of your mouth . All these components create a feeling of fear and worry . Anxiety is a common scenario where individual may experience heart palpitation , nausea , chest pain , shortness of breath and headache
KingKing ,
JulieTest Anxiety
200714 September
2007http /www .uoreg on .edu counsel /test 20anxiety .htm (King ,