Classified Ads Harvesting Agent and Notification System
Razvi Doomun*, Lollmahamod N., Auleear Nadeem, Mozafar Aukin
Faculty of Engineering University of Mauritius, Reduit, E-mail :
ABSTRACT The shift from an information society to a knowledge society require rapid information harvesting, reliable search and instantaneous on demand delivery. Information extraction agents are used to explore and collect data available from Web, in order to effectively exploit such data for business purposes, such as automatic news filtering, advertisement or product searching and price comparing. In this paper, we develop a real-time automatic harvesting agent for adverts posted on Servihoo web portal and an SMS-based notification system. It uses the URL of the web portal and the object model, i.e., the fields of interests and a set of rules written using the HTML parsing functions to extract latest adverts information. The extraction engine executes the extraction rules and stores the information in a database to be processed for automatic notification. This intelligent system
aggregation for information portals, scientific research and business activity monitoring. A lot of work has been carried out into the idea of using agents to aid e-commerce, the majority of the attention being focused on B2B agents, with B2C agents receiving a little attention. Sen and Hernandez (2000) discuss the fact that many e-businesses have “seller 's agents” whose function it is to push merchandise or services to customers, and there are also “buyer 's agents" whose goal is to best serve the user 's interests. Maes (1994) discusses how agents used as “personal assistants” that collaborate with the user can be used to reduce work carried out by the user. They can also be used to help with information overload by learning a
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