Developing a Web Site Privacy Policy
Dirt Bikes’s management wants to make sure it has policies and g p procedures in place to protect the privacy of visitors to its Web site. You have been asked to develop Dirt Bikes’s Web site privacy policy. The TRUSTe Web it t URL Th TRUST W b site at h M d l P i t t has Model Privacy Disclosures in its Privacy Resources that you can download and review to help you draft Dirt Bikes’s privacy policy. You can also examine specific companies’ privacy policies by companies searching for Web site privacy policies on Yahoo!, Google or another search engine. Prepare a report for management that addresses the following g g issues shown on the following slides:
Koffka Khan
Tutorial 5
Running Case Solution
1. How much data should Dirt Bikes collect on visitors to its Web site, and why that data? What information could it find out by tracking their activities at its Web site? What value would this information provide the company? What are the privacy problems raised by collecting such data? 2.
Running Case Solution
Should Dirt Bike use cookies? What are the advantages of using cookies for both Dirt Bikes and its Web site visitors? What privacy issues do they create for Dirt Bikes?
DB could benefit from using its Web site to learn more about its customer’s tastes and interests. The Web site could collect information such as visitors’ age, location, marital status, occupation, income level, hobbies, and specific motorcycle i t t t ti i l l h bbi d ifi t l interests (i l di why t (including h they might purchase a motorcycle and how they would use it—races, transportation, joining a motorcycle group). Such information will help DB to know the types of p p interested p yp people in its products and how it can communicate to them, create more targeted and personalized advertising and even affect DB’s plans for the future, including designing new products to better fit their interests. If DB