Each year an estimate of 3,000 teenagers are involved in fatal accidents, where as 400,000 recieve minor injuries caused by drivers distracted by a cell phone. Since the enforcement of said laws, we've only managed to decrease the number of offenses by about 12% which is a start , but isn't too significant. Currently 44 states including D.C. have made it clear that it is illegal to use one's phone while driving yet it is still a matter that needs to be disscussed and dealt with. The CDC states that more than 9 deaths occur each day caused by distracted drivers, where as hundreds are …show more content…
People are aware that texting while driving is a dangerous, but it has become a habit that people cannot shake. At this point we feel as though sheer education on the matter will not stop people from doing so, but harsh laws may. More than eleven teenagers die everyday as a result of someone driving while texting. Obviously that number goes up when you include adults. Nearly 50% of people have said that their parents use their cellphones while driving. It is believed that teenagers pick up the idea that it is okay to do so since their parents do it.
Allow us to ask two questions. What is the acceptable number of yearly deaths caused by distracted driving in our country? Now, what is the acceptable number of yearly deaths caused by distracted driving in your family? Both answers shoulde be