2. General Purpose – To inform the audience about the negative impact of texting while driving.
3. Specific Purpose – By the end of my speech, the audience will be better informed about how texting and driving is dangerous on the road. That, no text is more Important than your own life.
4. Thesis Statement – Texting while driving has become a problem into today’s society and has continued to happen. With, new technology gadgets constantly growing in this day an age. That according to a statistic In 2013, 3,154 people were killed in motor vehicle crashes involving distracted drivers. This represents a 6.7 percent decrease in the number of fatalities recorded in 2012. Unfortunately, approximately 424,000 …show more content…
Main Point #1 (The Government needs to step in and take action) o According to Governors Highway Safety Association there are fourteen states prohibit all drivers from using their cell phones while driving. o Police officers have the right to give tickets without any other violations to those who are caught texting while, driving on the road. o There would be less car accidents if there were laws put in place to ban the use of cell phones on the road. B. Main Point #2 (The dangerous of texting while driving) o According to Distractions.gov there are 3 main types effects from texting
• Effects your visual from the road
• Manually keeping your hands on the wheel
• Your cognitive skills o You can become so distracted that you become unaware of your own surrounding while driving. o You can cause a car accident that can affect other drivers like you on the road. C. Main Point #3 (Help prevent future car accidents)
3. Turn off your phone or put it on silent
4. If you need to answer a text/call pull over on the road.
5. If a friend or family member is with you have them answer you’re phone.
Conclusion (20 points)
- Text and drive, or stay alive. YOU decide, So in the same ammount of time that it takes to send a text message you can kill yourself or another person in just a matter of