It has become very popular to use our phones to call, text, e-mail, and even research on the internet. As technology gives us better phones we become attached to our luxuries. It has become easier to communicate with others and get important information to our friends and acquaintances. Phones have become a convenience, most of all an unnoticeable attachment and habit. We as Americans have become open to new ideas, and texting while driving has become one of them. We do not seem to captivate how dangerous it is to use our cell phones while driving. Texting while driving is a problem because it puts many lives in danger, and our attention is not on the road but on our phones, this problem has become more common in young adults.
We all have bad habits, as Americans we adapt to all the wrong habits. We make some of the worse decisions that put our lives and the lives of others in danger. The site, “Don’t Text and Drive Because Texting and Driving Kills”, states that in 2011, 23% of auto collisions involved cell phones which is equivalent to 1.3 million crashes. Texting while driving has increased the risk of a car accident by 23 …show more content…
Making the decision to text while driving, affects not only the driver but the passengers, and even parents and family. Not knowing how severe an accident can be, it can lead to death. Aside from injuries car accidents can be traumatizing, and emotionally affective as well. Most young adults no not see these consequences as something that could ever happen to them. Unfortunately, many teens bring their love for digital devices with them when they get behind the wheel of a car. This reckless behavior all too frequently leads to senseless distracted driving accidents. “Over one-third of all young drivers, ages 24 and under, are texting on the road.” Describes the article from “Cell Phone and Texting Accident