A paper titled, Stanford University Commencing Speech 2005 by Steve Jobs was placed on each desk. The name rang a bell, I knew of his connections with Apple and squabbles with supposed rival Bill Gates but nothing else. Ignorance always led me to think that millionaires like him either had very rich parents, attended one of the best colleges or were some enhanced being. My prospects for this speech of being entertaining were not good.
In his speech he spoke about three stories, the first about connecting the dots, the second about love and loss and the third about death. …show more content…
He also stayed hungry after being fired from Apple, prompting his launch of the companies NeXT and Pixar. He was able to find fortune in misfortune. To demonstrate staying foolish, he emphasized the importance of finding your passions and following your dreams despite what anyone says because our time on this earth is limited. We cannot let others stop us from doing our best work and “the only way to do great work is to love what you do.”
Looking back at my state of mind before reading that speech. I feel embarrassed to have conformed to the stereotypes of society that causes one to believe that success is only limited to a selected few. Since reading that speech I now make decisions without having regrets, like the classes I take or switching my musical instrument to one I have never played. I allow myself to learn as much as I can by participating in the classes I could not take and even after that I am still