Understanding the Achievement Gap
Carrie L. Thang
Liberty University
This paper includes a reference list of literature relating to the impact socioeconomic status and race/ethnicity has on academic achievement and what can be done to combat the achievement gap. In general, the literature seems to indicate that socioeconomic status has a greater impact then race or ethnicity on achievement. However, these constructs are often intertwined. The greatest source for combatting the achievement gap are teachers high in self-efficacy, strong and well directed principal leadership, having a positive and accepting racial climate, smaller class sizes, less harsh discipline with more support to reduce bad behavior, and better communication between parents and the school. Most authors agree, making education more meaningful and purposeful to the students would increase motivation to learn, which would increase success in academics. Almost all authors agree, professional development concentrated in these areas will reduce the achievement gap due to the increased academic success. There seems to be a combination quantitative and qualitative research.
Keywords: Achievement Gap, Socioeconomic status OR level, Achievement Gap AND Socioeconomic status OR level, Poverty AND Achievement Gap, Race OR Ethnicity AND Achievement Gap, Achievement Gap AND Qualitative, Achievement Gap AND Quantitative, Self-Efficacy AND Achievement Gap,
Topical Reference List: Understanding the Achievement Gap
The main purpose of my study is to determine the impact of socioeconomic status and race/ethnicity has on academic achievement. A related purpose is to determine whether teachers can combat the growing achievement gap. Research Questions: To what extent does socioeconomic status impact achievement? To what extent does race/ethnicity impact achievement? How does socioeconomic status and race/ethnicity impact achievement? Why does
References: Cisler, A., & Bruce, M. A. (2013). Principals: What are their roles and responsibilities? Journal of School Counseling, 11, 1-27. Abstract: This article is a quantitative study about the role of principals Levin, B. (2007, September). Schools, Poverty, and the Achievement Gap. Phi Delta Kappan, 89(1), 75-76.