An average day during a deployment
An average day during a deployment
All veterans – living or deceased – should receive the respect and recognition they deserve in return for their service to our country.…
A collaboration of short stories behind the scenes of an exciting era in American history. The author portrays many different point of views throughout the stories from the actual soldiers to the people who worked around the bases of Iraq and Afghanistan to the priests and chaplains that helped keep the soldiers sane. Though the book suffered slightly from its overuse of military jargon it flourished with great imagery and the clear, enjoyable voice. Also, the different point of views help correlate the different perspectives and at times touches upon Phil Klay’s personal connections to the book.…
Phil Klay’s Redeployment tells the stories of different American Veterans experiences as they fought in Iraq and as they attempt to return to a “normal” civilian lifestyle. Each of these soldiers faces the realities of war that cause them to change the way they see the world and how they fit into it. As they return home and begin to interact with people outside of the war, Klay describes the difficulties they face as they try to adjust to a “normal” life after months of deployment. Klay bring awareness to the stories of these veterans as they return home as a means to critique society’s lack of understanding on the struggles of veterans as they transition back into civilian lives.…
On January 30, Ryan Park, a Navy veteran, walked into a Jollibee fast food location in Union County, California. Upon inquiring about a military discount, no different than many seniors do at movie theaters across the country, a woman proceeded to interrupt his conversation with the server exclaiming, “That is so rude!” She continued to question why military veterans think they are entitled to special privileges. Ryan responded, “I gave up my privileges so that people like you can have them.” The woman is so appalled by the veteran’s “entitlement” that she feels she must leave the store. She is completely oblivious to what the man has sacrificed for her, and she is clearly disconnected from this side of our world. For a veteran to be ridiculed and subjected to harassment by the public his sacrifices protected, dampens his feelings of heroism that have been rightfully earned. Similar disconnect…
The attacks upon America on September 11, 2001 are being characterized as this generation’s “Pearl Harbor.” The comparison is powerful. Especially since the fiftieth anniversary of D-Day, there is a plethora of books and films commemorating the heroics of those who fought with courage, commitment, and sacrifice during World War II. In the words of Tom Brokaw (in The Greatest Generation, p. xx.), they stayed true to the values “of pesonal responsibility, duty, honor, and faith”. Quite simply, as he proclaims in his best selling book, they are the “greatest generation any society has produced” (p. xxx.). The surprise attack upon our forces on the morning of December 7, 1941, characterized by President Roosevelt as “a day that will live in infamy,” changed the course of…
Yet while our principles continue, unscarred and secure, the same is not true in Afghanistan. There, the peaceful teachings of Islam have been cast aside, and instead are used to promote violence. There, women have no rights to education. There, human trafficking and massacres against civilians have become common. There, leaders are self-appointed. We are fighting for their safety and protection as much as our own. The battle we share stems from a desire to fight those oppressing freedom, not civilians caught in the crossfire. Food, refuge, and medical aid will be available to our friends.…
In the span of our existence, humans have always seen soldiers and war veterans as higher than man. Though this is evident in our culture today, we have also realized that those who return come back in different forms. A war veteran is seen as someone with endless amount of courage and infinite power of will. We see it all the time whether it’s a picture, television ad displaying a soldier standing tall and holding their country’s flag proudly, or it’s the iconic picture taken in Iwo Jima (if you don’t know which one that is, it is the one of all the soldiers lifting the American flag on top of a hill). These representations are about pride, honor, courage, and everything great about the United States.…
As a young adult in today’s society, I am constantly surrounded and influenced by images in the media. Whether a photograph, a film, a news segment on T.V., or something on the internet, visual images are becoming an increasingly powerful influence. During a time of war and destruction, America is constantly shown images of soldiers fighting, innocent citizens dying, and terror among those who want peace. Throughout history this has been the case with each war. However, it’s the images shown after war that I find most moving. The image of the five Marines and a Navy corpsman raising an American flag above the rubble of the Battle of Iwo Jima is one of the most powerful images I’ve seen. Iwo Jima was a battle that was fought from February 19, 1945 until March 26, 1945. America was attempting to capture the island from Japanese forces due to its two air bases and its close vicinity to the main lands of Japan. Japan was heavily armed but the American soldiers had a widespread navy fleet and a strong ground team and won the battle. When the fight had ended an estimated 22,000 of Japan’s soldiers had died along with 7,000 American soldiers. The dust had cleared and standing among the ruins were these American soldiers, proudly raising the flag of their country. This image of Iwo Jima, shot by Joe Rosenthal, not only shows the bravery and hard work of these soldiers through its use of emotional appeals, motifs, and composition, but also the destruction caused by war.…
Veteran’s Day is a time when we honor those who have given the highest level of service to our country. Serving in the military is not an easy thing to do. But throughout history, men and women have heard the nation’s call and donned the uniforms of the Armed Forces. They gave up comforts so that we can live in freedom. They left their families to protect ours.…
In the article, “America, Cowering to an Imaginary Enemy, Is Not the Country I Once Knew” Simon Jenkins states that “On every visit to America I am stunned by the pervasiveness of fear. Terrified officials pounce on the slightest deviation from security rules. Americans must strip almost to their underwear to board even the shortest domestic flights . . . Computers must be dismantled. National guardsmen troop out at dawn to protect New York installations ‘against the terrorist threat’” (1). Because of previous attacks, we too are afraid of destruction by those we cannot fully understand. And like the Danes, we aim to keep the fallen in our hearts and memories. The political slogan “never forget” and Operation Never Forget aims to remember the men and women who sacrificed their lives for America. And we will never forget because we so greatly value the remembrance of a human…
Americans, more than any country, tend to be very prideful of our young, yet extensive, war repertoire. Although there is nothing coherently wrong with this feeling of pride, we often forget the sacrifices made in the form of lives, in order for those iconic images to be taken. In James Bradley’s Flags of Our Fathers, he makes sure to emphasize the outer effects of war that reaches past that of what we can see in those instilled images. Specifically, the hundreds of thousands of soldiers that helped lead to victory and who were not credited, and also the families that were crippled by this sense of emptiness and fear while their sons sacrificed their lives for their country. He also made sure the mention the effect media had on those that were home and unaffiliated with the war, and how in turn it inspired boys to be thrown into situations beyond what they expected. As the book follows the individual lives that raised the flag in Iwo Jima, we get to see from a close perspective how the war really looked liked, instead of how it was often depicted. Although pictures are used to tell our story as a nation, it fails to exemplify the degree of suffering that all those men had to go through.…
Walking up to a veteran and saying thankyou is a natural instinct, but is it no problem to the veterans you say it to. To start off, “I thanked him for his service. “No problem” he said.”(Garth) Mr.Garth a retired marine was thanked but he said it was no problem- what gives. It is something that many veterans call “thank you for your service phenomenon”, (Freedman). These veterans find it their duty to serve and the people thanking them of no idea what they do over there. They possibly are killing people and we are thanking them for that. Furthermore, when saying thank you do the people saying it really mean it. Veterans hear that many of times daily and it starts to get boring. It’s the same old thing over and over that's why some veterans say no problem because they are ignoring you because it becomes bland. They…
The people who are currently or have once served this country are thanked everyday for their braveness and hard work to keep this country a safe place to be. They have put their life on the line so that they can keep our nation in top shape. Most importantly, they could be anybody you know. People in the military vary races and are family members, friends and even strangers. But to all of us, they will always be thanked for their gratitude toward us. They have tried their hardest to protect our country. Some have lost their lives to serving us. They died, at least knowing, that they have done…
Whether it is wartime or peacetime, the men and women who serve our country live an…
Respect, especially in the Army is a very important value to live by. It is much more than just talking kindly and listening to someone. It is the process of taking into consideration someone’s emotions, feelings and needs. You must also focus on their ideas, thoughts, and preferences. It is showing someone that you value their time; that you care what they have to say. Showing someone respect allows that person to know and acknowledge that you are tracking them and that you comprehend and believe in what they are saying, It is important to allow someone to feel your respect for them. It will ease the conversation and create trust. Behavior and attitude will allow the person demanding respect to feel that respect. When we respect each other, there are fewer conflicts. People get along easier and avoid the un-necessary drama associated with a lack of respect. For those of us in the military, this is very important.…