“O say does that Star-Spangled Banner yet wave o’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?” To people like Francis Scott Key, the writer of “The Star-Spangled Banner”, the American flag is a symbol of men and women standing up for what they believed in, and even giving up their life for it. These people care greatly about the American flag being honored and respected, and I am too.…
People feel that their rights, freedoms, and choices are taken away from them. Passage 1, "American Flag Stands for Tolerance," and Passage 2 claim the different ways that people's rights can be infringed from them.…
It was June 14, 1777 when the United States Congress created and officially announces the American flag to be represented as a symbol of Nationalism and refutation of secessionism. The United States American flag is one of most significant symbol that is hanged in front of many private properties especially in front of my porch. My family decided to purchase the American flag because it symbolizes a meaning for freedom and opportunities. During the Vietnam War, the united States have become involve in the war to promote democracy, in which my family immigrated and settle within the United States for that purpose.…
When I see the American flag hanging on houses, in school yards, at businesses, and other buildings, I feel the warm embrace of its red, white, and blue and how its symbolism has helped millions of Americans and our soldiers to keep…
The American Flag is the embodiment of freedom, and is made powerful through dedication and sacrifice. The ultimate sacrifice for America and Freedom has been made countless times by the brave and selfless men and women of the American Military. Walking barefoot through snow at Valley Forge, being slaughtered on the beaches at D-Day, fighting in booby trapped enemy infested jungles, and battling an enemy driven by a religion that has no honor; these are Americans defending their freedom and the freedom of others. To give four years of your life you have to be dedicated to a cause; that cause has to be even more important if it requires that you fight and possibly die. Our Military has always been a large part of the "face" of…
There are many reasons to acknowledge America’s veterans. No matter a person’s personal opinion on wars, past or present, veteran’s military work should still be acknowledged. Veterans should be acknowledged because nothing in your life can compare to the time they have spent giving us freedom. Most have spent many years of their lives over seas protecting the United States of America. If a person was born in America, they have lived in a free country ever since, and it will stay that way thanks to the military and its veterans.…
Our flag represents many things. The stars in our flag represent each state in the United States. Did you know that the stars also represent people’s dreams to “reach for the stars?” Also, the stripes represent the original 13 colonies. The colors in our flag also signify significant things.…
America is best summed up in one word FREEDOM, we all have this in common, as long as that is our common bond, songs and flags are just the icons which help us to pass that common bond on; but if those icons were to be removed, tomorrow, we would find other icons to help perpetuate that common bond of FREEDOM we all share.…
I would like everybody to stop and think why after all these years, we have to stop or give someone the right not to say the Pledge of Allegiance in school. The flag to me represents everything we have fought for as a nation. The flag is the American spirit which has given us our freedom and also the right to freedom of speech, the first amendment.…
The history of the United States has been one filled with civil war and slavery that has caused decades of racial issues beginning with slavery to the segregation of the 1950’s until today. While racial problems still occur in 2016 the United States is the most ethnically diverse country in the world.…
Back in the year 2000, we had about 282.2 million people in America, and 17 years later we increased up to 321.4 million people (infoplease.com). Part of what makes up that population are African Americans at 42 million, Mexicans 57 million, Chinese 3.79 million, Indians 3.18 million, and our many other races (pewresearch.org). Thanks to all of our diversity we can enjoy learning new things from each other such as religion, language, and culture. We can also value many things such as different types of food, art, and heritage (kaplanuniversity.edu). Our diversity provides its own special and irreplaceable contribution to our understanding of America today.…
The American flag was created to allow Nation unity and separate the U.S. from Great…
We should appreciate the veterans. Every day on duty, their lives are at risk. They get assigned to foreign countries and fight alongside or against total strangers. From hunting down terrorists to maintaining peace and order, there is not a moment when their lives are not in danger. Most of the time, they don’t get their names on the paper or their pictures on TV.…
Not many understand the importance of the roles that these American soldiers take responsibility of. It's truly saddening to see the uneducated not appreciate, honor, and thank our soldiers. An abundance of American citizens aren't educated or knowledged in American and International governmental and/or political affairs. With the lack of knowledge in this controversial topic, how are they to understand the important roles of our soldiers? We, as a nation, must help each other in understanding our country and the role of our soldiers. In returned favor for them, we must make it our duty, as they make it their duty to serve for us, to serve for these men and women by honoring and celebrating them.…
Being born American has gifted me with many things. As Joe Barton once said”our flag honors those who have fought to protect it,and Is a reminder of the sacrifice of our nation's founders and heroes. As the ultimate icon of america's storied history, the stars and stripes represents the very best of this born an american is the first gift I was given.…