The term generational divide, meaning the baby Boomer generation could have issues and hard time adjusting to the more diverse generations because it is not what they are accustomed to. The baby boomers were mostly white and so was the world they grew up in and that may cause a generational divide and conflicts with the social contract. Now that the minorities are becoming a majority the united states history of providing poor education to the minority youth, which is going to affect the country’s future. If education is not properly funded the entire united states will be effected leading to a more uncertain future. The more diverse generation will more than likely be more expecting to the funding of minorities than the baby Boomer generation because of the growing diversity in the United States.
In the paper Tavernise also refers the changing, diverse population causing shift a major shift in the country’s demographic due to the aging of the baby boomers. Taverns states “Whites still represent the single largest share of all births, at 49.6 percent, and are an overwhelming majority in the population alone as a whole at 63.4 percent”. The tectonic shift is due to the aging of the baby boomers a majority white generation and the causing the shift in the American